I had a conversation with my youngest sister tonight about family that really got to me. That side of my family(who is family only because we share DNA) can only be described as a clusterfuck. It has taken many years of soul searching, tears, therapy and medication for me to come to terms with it. My heart breaks as I watch baby sis go through the same thing. I know that all families have a certain level of dysfunction. Hell, if you don't then you're not normal, am I right??
Just because you share a family tree with someone doesn't mean you have to like or love them. Hell, there are plenty on that side whose branches I'd like to saw off. Actually I think I'd rather uproot the whole tree and start over, but anyhoo. Some things you just can't change. One thing I can say about them is they have definitely shaped part of who I am. Trust me, they didn't do it on purpose because that would have required effort on their part.
My point is, family is so much more than blood. It's the people who drop everything and run to your side if you call them at 2 a.m, no questions asked. It's the people who love all your quirks and crazy ways and don't judge you for them. Family are the ones who will call you on your bullshit and not be afraid to piss you off because they're doing it because they love you. They're the ones who fill that empty space left from the people who were "supposed" to be there and they fill it so much it overflows. The best families are the ones that are effortless, you know it's meant to be because it's easy. It feels right. If you have to force it, it's not meant to be.
Little sister, I hope this gives you some comfort. After all, you did get a kick ass big sister out of the deal. :)
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