Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm Inappropriate. Who Knew??

I got scolded yesterday on Facebook. Scolded like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum. Apparently I am inappropriate and need to keep the content on my own personal page clean because children can read what I post. To that I have one thing to say.

Not my problem.

Here's my beef with the issue. The person who scolded me allows her children to read her Facebook. The post she had a problem with was a picture I shared of the oh so hot Norman Reedus in which he was wearing an apron that said "Fuck". That was it. I understand not everyone likes or uses that word but I still didn't feel as if this was the worst thing I could ever share.  She left a comment that said "Girl. Keep it clean. My children read this." The thing is, I was under the impression I was friends with her on Facebook, not her children. I am not friends with kids online because I know I can be inappropriate. I do not appreciate being told to keep my page clean because of the decision she makes to let her kids read what adults are posting.

I am not taking issue with how she is raising her children. There are a lot things I shelter my kids from because I don't think they are old enough to be exposed to them. I monitor what they watch on TV, the things they look up online and the video games they play. There are some words I use in front of them that I don't think are too bad (ass, hell, damn) and there are the F bombs and such that I do not say in their presence. I'm not saying I never slip and say them. When I slammed my finger in the bathroom door and broke it the first word out of my mouth was a big, healthy "FUCK!!!". But my everyday dialogue is not straight out of a Quentin Tarantino movie by any means.

I deleted her comment because looking at it made smoke come out my ears. After a few minutes of deciding what to say I sent her a private message. Private, because I do not like trying to publicly shame people. ( I do not consider this to be "shaming" her because unlike Facebook the only name on here is mine.)  I told her I was sorry if my post offended her, but I am not friends with children on Facebook because I do not censor what I say. If she wanted to unfriend me I completely understood and would not take offense because I could not promise that I would not offend her in the future.

She unfriended me and truth be told, I was a little offended. Mainly because the only response I got was a swift unfriending. I would have at least given a "Hey, I see where you're coming from but this is what I need to do". If we had been having a conversation in person and her children were present, I have enough common sense to know what to say and what not to say. I do understand boundaries for Pete's sake.

My point is if you don't like what I write, by all means don't read it. I'm not going to second guess everything I say or do because one person might not like it or agree with me. If you don't want your children exposed to certain things, shield them from those things. That is your right as a parent and  I have no problem with that. Just don't tell expect other people to change who they are because you don't approve.

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