Sunday, December 29, 2013

My 2014 Resolutions

I suppose it's time to make another list of resolutions for the upcoming new year. My list has been pretty much the same since I was 14 years old-lose weight, stop worrying, stop being afraid, blah, blah, blah. You know what? I've never kept a single damn one of them. That my friends is 21 years of breaking new year's resolutions. So here is my resolution for this year.

Fuck all resolutions.

Seriously, they're all bullshit. Does anyone ever really keep them? Here and there I've worked on a few with varying degrees of success, but I can't say I've ever went from the end of a year to the beginning of another with the sense of accomplishment that everything from my previous list had been checked off. Lose weight? I figure I fluctuate between skinny Kelly Clarkson and curvier Kelly Clarkson. I think she always looks amazing, therefore, I do too. :)  As long as I don't start to look like Honey Boo Boo's long lost aunt, I'm ok. Stop worrying? Depends on what dose of anti anxiety meds I'm on at the time. Some days I'm loosey goosey, some days I'm wound so tight my head damn near explodes. Stop being afraid? That's probably not going to happen because I am a Class A chicken shit. If there's a bump in the night I hear it, and I kick Ryan to wake up to go check it out. Do you know what could be in the dark??? This girl won't be the one to find out!

That is why my New Year's Resolution is to say fuck it. I don't need the undue pressure. Of course there are certain things I'd love to see happen in 2014. I have a goal to send out copies of my book to agents. Even if I get nothing back but rejection letters I have to take that step to get it out there. I also hope to get a larger following of my blog.  I'd love to reconnect with old friends. It's nice to catch up on Facebook but it's even better to see people in person. I'd also love to quit being a worrywart, but with Joshua entering middle school in the fall we all know that shit ain't happening. The only resolution I can make and have certainty that I will accomplish it is this.

I'm going to be happy.

Happy New Year everyone!!

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