Sunday, September 1, 2013

These Are Few of My Favorite Things

Now, on a lighter note. A list of my favorite things because I need to smile and these things always make me smile. These are in no particular order.

1.Ryan and my wonderful children (ok, so number 1 was a given) chocolate chip ice cream from Baskin Robbins
3. pick up trucks. I freaking love pick up trucks. And original VW Beetles, and the General Lee. Not just any Dodge Charger, it has to be the General Lee.
4. Diet Coke-Do not talk to me until I have at least one of these flowing through my body in the morning.
6. Daisies
8. 30 Rock
9. Freaks and Geeks
10. The Office
11. How I Met Your Mother
12. Music. If I can sing with it, I like it. I have to have it, it's like oxygen to me.
13. The word asshat. You can't say it without smiling. And if you can say it without smiling, then you are in fact, an asshat.
14. The word fuck. I use it too much, I'm really working on not saying it or writing it, but sometimes it's the only word that fits the situation.( my apologies to my mom and grandparents for my appalling language. yes, you did teach me better that that)
15. The Walking Dead!! Zombie slaying can be amusing
16. Purple. anything purple except Barney. I want to kick Barney in the nads. That is if he has them.
17. My bff's. I really don't know what I would do without them.
18. Warm, cozy blankets on a winter day.
19. Watching Christmas movies all year long. I can quote Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story and Elf by heart. Go on, try me.
20. My dogs. They are the best couch snugglers ever.
21. Hugs. I'm a huggable kind of girl. Always have been, probably always will be.
22. Roller Derby.

I'm going to stop now for 2 reasons. One, I'm smiling and that was the purpose of this list and two, it could go on and on and on.

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