It's a well known fact that I love to change my hair. It has been all the colors of the rainbow, some intentional, some not. It has been long, short, curly, straight and everything in between. I am never satisfied and am always searching for the perfect 'do. And I thought this time I had found it. What have I mentioned before about thinking? Yeah, I shouldn't do it so much. Too little, too late for that!
I became obsessed with getting a pixie cut. I just had to have it and would not stop until I had it. You know what I'm talking about, right? The adorable, super short hair style that looks great on people like Jennifer Lawrence and Charlize Theron? For some odd reason I got it in my head that I would look AMAZING with this cut.
The cut itself is great. My mom does my hair and she does awesome work. The problem is when you have a round face like me you tend to look like Charlie Brown when you have super short hair. When I'm lounging around in a hoodie and sweats and make up free, I look like an elf. A boy elf at that. When I do put on make up I've had to learn to tone it down or else I look like a middle aged woman who smokes the really long, skinny cigarettes and does all her shopping on QVC. My 6 year old nephew told me I look like Miley Cyrus and believe me when I say you do NOT want to see me try to twerk. And I can't do a damn thing about it except wait for it to grow out.
I'm sure I'll get used to it. I'll probably end up loving it once it gets just a little bit longer. But this is the most drastic thing I've ever done to my head and I'm in a tad bit of shock. In the meantime I'm not going to search Google or Pinterest for hairstyles and I'll smack my own hand the next time I get the urge to have scissors brought to my noggin.
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