Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tales of a Holiday Geek-Chapter 2

Ahh, November. There is a chill in the air, the leaves are falling and the first of my favorite holidays is behind us. I did manage to find a Velma costume and if I do say so myself, jinkies! I looked good in it. On November 1st all the Halloween candy at the stores were marked down, Christmas music was playing on the radio and I saw an ad that proudly proclaimed that Santa would make his grand entrance at the mall on Saturday the 9th at 9 a.m. Now, I have been told that I am a "Christmasphile" and it is true. My dream is to have my house decorated in a way that would put the Griswold's to shame. But fear not! I have not forgotten about Thanksgiving. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and all the posts I'm seeing on Facebook, here are some things I am thankful for.

1. The obvious-my family, health, happiness, shelter, etc. If you're not thankful for those things you're a massive tool.

2. My job. As much as I dislike it I am thankful I have one. It could be a lot worse and then I would have real reasons to bitch, not just ones that are funny.

3. Diet Coke, ipods, and earbuds. They make it so much easier to get through the day at said job.

4. Fat pants. You know the ones I'm talking about. You keep them hidden in the back of the closet or buried under a pile of crap in the dresser but when you dig them out and put them on, all is right with the world. And this is the time of year that it is crucial to have a good pair of fat pants!

5. Hair dye-not just because I am obsessed with changing the color to suit my mood, but because I've had gray hair since I was 16!! Gotta keep that shit covered.

6. My height- I never have to duck, I can easily hide if the need ever arises, and I can stretch out on my couch and not be cramped. Take that, growth spurt that ended at 5 feet 2 inches!

7. Reruns of "Friends". That show never gets old. Could it BE any funnier???

8. Trader Joe's Cookie Butter. Best. Stuff. Ever.

9. The fact that while my temper is short and my comebacks are quick, it really takes a lot to make me angry. I'm easily annoyed, not easily angered. Big difference.

10. Friends. I've noticed lately that most of the people I'm friends with now are people I have known forever. New friends are great, but people who not only know your history but lived it with you, are irreplaceable. I'm thankful for all of them.

Much love y'all :)

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