Friday, August 30, 2013

I'm Not Ready For This

Every night I tuck my sweet baby girl into bed with a kiss on the cheek and a quick snuggle. She looks so angelic lying there, all cuddled up in her Justin Bieber comforter and 400 stuffed animals that she insists on sleeping with. Then overnight the strangest thing happens. She gets possessed by the damn devil. It's the only reasonable explanation for what occurs in the morning.

My precious child has become a BEAST! She is 8 years old but in the night she has become a pms-ing 16 year old and it works my last nerve. She has fits if her hair isn't perfect, goes into a rage if her "favorite" dress isn't clean (She has a ton of dresses and her favorite changes daily) And don't get me started if she can't find the shoes she wants to wear. I thought I had at least 4 more years until this started happening. I haven't had time to prepare!! She already is obsessed with boy bands, make up(no she is NOT allowed to wear it, but she thinks her clear lip gloss is the shit), dresses, high heels(no she doesn't have any) and all things pink.

Don't get me wrong. I think my daughter is the perfect type of girl. She's girly but tough and takes absolutely no crap. She can throw down with the best of them and gives it hell on the soccer field. She is 100% sure of who she is and I'll be damned if I ever let anyone take that away from her. But, oh the drama! I never would have imagined in a million years that there would be drama before she hit the double digits. In closing I'd like to say a little prayer.

"Dear Lord,
Please help me to keep my sanity through this phase. Let her outgrow it soon and give us at least a few years drama free. In those drama free years I will work on patience and coping skills to help me with the inevitable teenage years of hormonal outbursts, broken hearts, and stubbornness that I know will come, because she is my daughter. Most of all, please don't let her be high maintenance. There is only room for one high maintenance female in this one bathroom house and that's me.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome to my World

So, here is my official return to blogging. This is a place where you will get 100% Heather all the time. The reason my blog is titled "In Need of a Filter" is because if you know me well enough, or hell, if you even slightly know me, then you know the filter from my brain to my mouth doesn't exist. I don't try to be bitchy about it, most of the time it actually comes out funnier than I intended. But my intentions are never to hurt anyone. I don't believe in hurting anyone's feelings just for shits and giggles.

About me: I'm 35 years old, but I swear to God I don't feel like an adult. I know chronologically I'm an adult. I work, I have adult bills such as house payment, car payments, etc. I have responsibilities, that are otherwise known as my children, and I'm married. I've been married for 12 years to the most awesome man. We've been together for 17!! He is the mac to my cheese, the pb to my j. Yes, it's corny, but he gets me like no one ever has. And trust me. I can be a hard person to get! But anyhoo. In my mind I haven't really been out of high school for 17 years and the 90's weren't 20 years ago! Don't mistake that as immaturity because that is far from the case. I believe when you act old, you feel old, and I'm feeling pretty damn good these days.

My main reason for starting this was to share my thoughts and sometimes snarky observations with the world. I'm attending Northern Kentucky University and my lifelong dream has been to make my living as a writer. My other lifelong dreams of being an Olympic gymnast, Broadway star, cast member of SNL and country singer probably aren't going to happen, so writer it is! If you like what I have to say and find me even slightly amusing, please tell people about this little nugget you've found and tell them to pass it on!! You never know who has connections!

That's it for now. I plan on doing this every day and if something has really chapped my ass, maybe more than once a day. Until then, much love y'all!